About ISO Certificate – How To Get ISO Certification In India? Its Benefits, Types, Cost & How To Check Validity?

how to get iso certification in india

What is ISO Certificate?

ISO certificate is a stamp of authorization by an independent body that an organization adheres to according to any of the standards created that are published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO is an independent, non-governmental, international organization that gathers experts to exchange knowledge and create international standards that encourage the development of new technologies and offer solutions to worldwide challenges.

ISO Certification confirms that a business or product is operating responsibly and in accordance with industry standards and management procedures. It is a global standard, and it is administered through an autonomous, non-government, international organization that has a membership of 163 national standards bodies, with the Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO certification can instantly build credibility with the employees, stakeholders, management representatives, consumers, and buyers.

Types Of ISO Certificate

ISO has initiated up to 22,521 International standards covering all industries from food safety to technology and service to healthcare and agriculture. But, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are the most general Standards certifications, and they can be applied to all kinds of businesses and industries.

Here are the most popular ISO certification standards –

1. ISO 9001

It is a well-known method for establishing, executing, and sustaining a “Quality Management Program’ that applies to a particular firm. It can be applied to any business size and capital. The most current and revised certification standard was issued at the end of 2015, and it has been in use from the beginning.

2. ISO 14001

This is a manual on what must be done to establish an environmental management system (EMS). It comprises processes, policies, strategies, procedures, and documents that outline the guidelines for how your business deals with the environment. ISO 14001 provides a structure and policies for creating an EMS for any business. The world has adopted the standards set in 2015.

3. OHSAS 18001

The standard outlines what is required to establish an occupational health and security management program. It comprises procedures, policies, practices, plans, and documents that outline the regulations regarding safety and health. The standards adopted in 2007 remain in force and are being adhered to by all organizations.

4. ISO 45001

The standard outlines what must be done to establish an occupational health and safety system. It consists of guidelines, operations, programs, procedures, Hazards Identification, Risk Assessment, and records that establish the guidelines concerning security and health. The standard was released in 2018 and is currently being implemented by a variety of industries.

5. ISO 27001

This is an information security standard, and it determines the management system designed to bring the security of information under the control of the management.

6. ISO 22000

This ISO certificate standard defines the guidelines for an effective food safety management system (FSMS). It permits any organization directly or indirectly involved with the supply chain to develop, implement, run, maintain, and improve an FSMS that provides items and products that can be considered safe according to their intended usage.

7. ISO 50001

ISO 50001 provides industries with an internationally accepted framework to help them enhance their energy efficiency. This ISO certificate manages documentation and reporting on energy usage and consumption. It also covers guidelines for procurement and design of equipment that uses energy and other aspects that affect energy performance that can be tracked and controlled by the company.

8. ISO 20000

This standard is about delivering an efficient IT Service Management of any organization. This is an essential requirement for any industry that is dependent on IT. It affects your company’s business and the manner in which you communicate. It’s an essential aspect of how you conduct business.

9. ISO 31000

It is a risk management program that provides information on the fundamentals and procedures to ensure safety and manage risks using an internationally accepted benchmark. ISO 31000 certification standard ensures a successful business. It is now a reliable guide for organizations to achieve their goals, recognize potential threats and opportunities and provide resources for risk-related treatment.

How to get ISO Certification in India?

Here are some of the prerequisites that you should know before initiating the process of ISO certification –

1. Select the ISO Certificate Type

The first step is to decide on the type of ISO certificate required for your company. There are a variety of ISO certificates we have discussed above, and you should choose the most appropriate ISO certificate for your business.

2. Choosing an ISO Certification Body

It is important to know that ISO is not the only body that provides certification for businesses. External bodies handle certification. It is crucial to select a recognized and reliable certification body.

When choosing an ISO registrar, take note of these things:

  • Examine a variety of ISO Certification service providers.
  • Make sure they’re adhering to what are the CASCO standards. CASCO is an ISO committee that deals with matters related to agreement checks.
  • Find out if it’s certified or not. Accreditation isn’t mandatory; however, it must be in compliance with the standards of ISO Accreditation organizations.

Step-by-step Process of ISO Certification in India

Step 1. Create an application or contract papers

The registrar of the organization and the person who is applying should sign the terms of a contract. The contract typically defines the rights and obligations for each party and covers the issues of confidentiality, liability, and access rights.

Step 2. Reviews of Documents

The ISO Auditor will examine all the quality standards and documents related to different policies and procedures in place by the organization. The review of the work done can assist the ISO auditor in finding potential gaps in compliance with the specifications set forth within ISO standards.

Step 3. Create An Action Plan

After your ISO auditor has completed their audit of the current gaps within your association, the preparation of an action plan is mandated. Make a checklist of the tasks to be completed to get the desired changes to your company. Perhaps you need to offer training to your employees to be efficient as they adapt to new procedures. Inform all employees about the ISO standards to productivity and quality standards accordingly.

Step 4. Certification Audit

It is classified into two types, Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Phase 1 –

The modifications will then be examined by an ISO auditor within the company. Then, they will determine the potential nonconformities within your procedures and systems to the ideal quality management system. They can then divide the infractions into major and minor non-conformities. The applicant should carefully evaluate every non-conformity and then make sure that they are aligned to the quality standards desired by adjustments to the techniques and procedures used by the company.

Phase 2 –

When the necessary changes have been made within the company, the ISO auditor will conduct their final audit. The auditor will verify whether all violations were eliminated or not, as per ISO quality guidelines. If the ISO auditor is fully satisfied, they will draft an official ISO audit report and forward it to the registry.

Step 5. Complete ISO Certificate

Once all violations are resolved and all findings are included in the auditing process, the registrar or owner will award an ISO certificate.

Step 6. Surveillance Audits

It is primarily carried out to verify whether the ISO quality standards are being followed in place by the company or not. It is carried out periodically depending on the requirement.

Benefits of ISO Certificate

ISO Certificate benefits businesses in various ways; here are some benefits are as follows:

1. Customer Satisfaction

ISO standards make your company processes clearer, and the quality becomes constant. It will help you focus more on meeting the demands of your customers through your services and products. This will improve satisfaction with your customers and put you up closer to your competitors in the marketplace.

2. Worldwide Recognition

ISO is an internationally recognized organization recognized for its high standards of quality. If you get accredited as a member of ISO certification, businesses will be engraved and accepted worldwide.

3. Better Business Options

When you are certified with ISO certification, you will increase your product’s quality and efficiency. Customer satisfaction will rise to high, and costs for products will decrease. All of these will unlock the possibility and assist in expanding sales in both existing and emerging markets across the nation.

4. Consistent Quality and Performance

You’ll be aware of what is required and guidelines you must adhere to finalize business procedures. Regular processes aid in avoiding duplicates, determining issues that arise in the process, and providing efficient and compelling solutions to address them quickly.

How to Check ISO Certificate Validity Online?

You can easily check your ISO certificate online just by following a few steps:

  • Visit the IAF website and then go to the drop-down menu labeled IAF Signatures and Members.
  • Select the country you’re looking for by clicking the country. A new screen that provides the information of the accreditation body for the country appears. If the accredited body’s name listed in the ISO certificate isn’t on the index of accredited organizations for the country, it is not valid.

What is the Cost of ISO Certificate in India?

ISO certificate prices vary based on the number of employees of the company and the other different parameters on which business is currently managed with regard to procedures and processes. For more information regarding the cost, procedure, and process of ISO certificates, you can contact Udyami Helpline for expert advice and mentoring.